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Does anyone remember Circuit City? (The store modeled in the movie, “40 Year Old Virgin”) Well, that is where me met a long time ago in a city far, far away. Anna had just started a new job at customer service and Adam was returning home from college to work during his summer break. We had no idea we were destined for a future together – especially since Adam played so hard to get after Anna’s many attempts to get him to notice her (Brownie points if you’ve figured out who’s writing this intro). It’s pretty evident that he eventually noticed her and here we are now – married and all.


Both of us love to travel. In the early days of our relationship, Anna was a wedding and portrait photographer for about 7 years while Adam climbed the I.T. ladder at work. Both of us were in a weird place in life where we
worked more than we enjoyed life. What were we working so hard to achieve? We still can’t answer that to be honest.

Why we started this vlogging journey

Fast forward to 2020... We all know what happened there. The world applied the brakes and came to a loud screeching halt - and so did we. At that point, as we've mentioned adnauseum, we realized that we had (expensive) ski passes that we had barely used all season due to us working too many hours. Something had to change. Plus, we were living these lives completely separate of each other that, as it turns out, we didn't really enjoy all that much.

Adam had been dabbing in video work and Anna was a seasoned photographer. Why not bring our talents together to bring people travel content while on lockdown? We REALLY needed an excuse to get out and enjoy life more and having this YouTube channel kept us accountable to that.

What began as a little pandemic project has now turned into a way of life for us. Where will our vlog take us next? Who will we meet? What will we see? These are the questions that keep us so excited to create more content for you.

Why we started this financial journey

Around the same time we started the vlog, we hit rock bottom. We were $35k in debt and on the brink of divorce.


One night, Adam gave Anna an ultimatum: "We need to fix this by next year, or else..."


That single sentence completely changed the financial trajectory of our lives and forced us to reevaluate everything.


Now, ten years later, we’re on track to retire in our mid-40s. We want to share our journey with you in the hope that you’ll find value in it—and maybe even retire early, too.

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